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Author: Bai, Heesoon
In a celebrated passage in Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein states his view of philosophy: "What is your aim of philosophy?– To shew the fly the way out of the fly-bottle.…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
The theoretical possibility of the aims and methods of moral education and of art education converging is explored through the examination of the Japanese Tea Ceremony which is grounded in the…
Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Scott, Charles
In this paper, we make the case that the purview of philosophizing in philosophy of education needs to extend beyond the rational discursive practices, such as, notably conceptual analysis and…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
I argue, along with other theorists, that Plato and Descartes made a decisive, immense, and enduring contribution to the creation of the disembedded and disembodied self and its attendant de-animated…
Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Scott, Charles, Author: Donald, Beatrice
The prevailing conception and practice of education perpetuates a civilization saturatedwith a deep sense of ontological disconnect and axiological crisis in all dimensions ofhuman life. We examine…
Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Scutt, Greg
This paper argues that the current ecological crisis arises from our dualisticconsciousness which separates mind from body and self from world. Thisdualistic consciousness prevents us from…
Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Banack, Hartley
Making the case for the mutual relationship between ontology (what reality is like) and ethics (how we should conduct ourselves), this essay argues that the dualistic,linear, deterministic ontology…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
In this exploratory essay, I shall question the moral status of the notion of autonomy and its attendant notion of self-control. I will argue that autonomy as it is usually understood, namely having…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
In this essay, I shall make the argument that, although the arts have been the victim of economism and instrumentalism, their power is such that, if only we could truly tap into it, arts can become…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
In addressing the theme of ethics as an everyday activity. this essay makes acase for the primacy of preventive ethics over interventional ethics.Preventive ethics aims at creating a condition of…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
This paper considers the contribution of philosophy to education. First, a case is made that the fundamental goal of education is to cultivate human agency in the sense of being able to enact one’s…
Author: Cohen, Avraham, Author: Bai, Heesoon
Mindful of living in a multicultural and cross-cultural society, this article introducesand presents Buddhist and Daoist philosophy, psychology, and practice along with thepotential for their…
Author: Cohen, Avraham, Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Green, Larry
This paper introduces the idea of, and narrates an experiment in, the form of a Philosopher’s Café and the practices of Deep Democracy as radical pedagogical methodology. Philosopher’s Café’s are…
In this article we are calling for an interlayered and cross-dimensional approachto understanding and working with anxiety, especially as manifested in Englishas an additional language (EAL) teaching…
Author: Bai, Heesoon, Author: Elza, Daniela, Author: Kovacs, Peter, Author: Romanycia, Serenna
All of us are serious bibliophiles and biophiles. What initially drew us together to carry a sustained conversation, which has resulted in writing this paper, is a discovery that in our respective…
Author: Hsiao, William, Author: Ung, Korine, Author: Aeschliman, Dana, Author: Bryan, Jenny, Author: Finlay, Brett, Author: Brinkman, Fiona S. L.
Microbial genes that are “novel” (no detectable homologs in other species) have become of increasing interest as environmental sampling suggests that there are many more such novel genes in yet-to-be…