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Privacy workshop organized by BC Civil Liberties Association on privacy concerns associated with BC provincial government's new ID cards:
Author: Boisjoly, Raymond, Author: Douglas, Stan, Author: Hall, Leif, Author: Mancini, Donato, Author: Nicholson, Cecily
Panel discussion by Vancouver artists hosted by art collection Music Appreciation Society. Featured artists include Raymond Boisjoly, Stan Douglas, Leif Hall, Donato Mancini, Cecily Nicholson.
Author: Mihlar, Fazil, Author: Sultan, Ralph, Author: Ralston, Bruce, Author: Gelson, Carrie, Author: Kershaw, Paul
Discussion child poverty during provincial election. Moderated by Fazil Mihlar from the Vancouver Sun. Panellists include Ralph Sultan, Bruce Ralston, Carrie Gelson, Paul Kershaw and others.
Artists Raymond Boisjoly and art historian Marcia Crosby discuss art and aboriginality.
Christine Boyle moderates this conversation with panelists including Kai Nagata, Deborah Littman, Meharoon Ghani and Hilary Henegar on the role of faith in social movements in Canada.
History of the Vancouver based artist-run centre VIVO Media Arts Centre.
Author: Jordan, Mark
This poster describes the tools, services, and workflows that Simon Fraser University is using to automate the movement of its ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) from its user-facing Thesis…
Author: Nelson, Joel
In the Coquitlam school district, International students arrive in great numbers and contribute a substantial amount of money to the district (Kuehn, 2012). But what is happening to them after they…
Discussion on social change moderated by Michael Byers. Includes Vanessa Timmer, Ginger Gosnell-Meyers, Brigitte DePape, Alan Broadbent.
University of Bologna economics professor Stefano Zamagni gives a talk on the benefits of the cooperative economy in relation to global capitalism.
Author: Saklikar, Renee, Author: Singh, Gurpreet, Author: Neel, Kanwal
Behind the official stories of the nation live the silenced histories of the past. Poet Renee Saklikar’s Children of Air India engages with a personal and political remembrance of the past that…
Discussion on South Asian geopolitics moderated by Global TV reporter Jas Johal in conversation with Sudeep Chakravarti.
Author: Thayll, Jeet, Author: Turner, Michael, Author: Schofield, Anakana, Author: Irani, Anosh
Jeet Thayll, Michael Turner, Anakana Schofield and Anosh Irani discuss the role of the underbelly in cities and the creative process.
Author: Bai, Heesoon
Faced with increasing social and environmental disintegration worldwide, andmoreover, a seeming inability to respond adequately to the exigency, Iproblematize the intellectualist bias and resulting…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
This paper explores ways of cultivating an extraordinarily expansive caring consciousness for an extraordinarily challenging time such as ours. This is not the first time humans have faced the…
Author: Bai, Heesoon
In a celebrated passage in Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein states his view of philosophy: "What is your aim of philosophy?– To shew the fly the way out of the fly-bottle.…
Author: Yu, Yang, Author: Zhang, Lan, Author: Li, Xiaojing, Author: Run, Xiaoqin, Author: Liang, Zhihou, Author: Li, Yi, Author: Liu, Ying , Author: Lee, Moon, Author: Grundke-Iqbal, Inge, Author: Iqbal, Kalid, Author: Vocadlo, David
Abnormal hyperphosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein tau plays a crucial role in neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aggregation of hyperphosphorylated tau into…
BackgroundRecent findings of Plasmodium in African apes have changed our perspectives on the evolution of malarial parasites in hominids. However, phylogenetic analyses of primate malarias are still…