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ABSTRACT Motivation is one of the driving forces behind the recent interest in games with educational goals. People willingly play complex games and we would like to channel that willingness to…
Significant work in the IT, philosophy, and communications communities has focused on designing systems that support human values, but this work has not yet been widely applied to game design.…
This paper proposes a concept of narrative as the design of an immersive simulation to be experienced by the interactor in a video game. We face this new narrative status as the reconfiguration of a…
For the thematic area of "Learning to Play: Playing to Learn" Multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) have long been a popular genre for entertainment games. Only recently educational…
Author: Dobson, Mike
This work starts by conducting and analyzing semi-structured interviews with network participants; finding categories of events, activities, conditions and consequences acted by role players under…
1 Introduction In this contribution, Interactive Digital Storytelling is viewed as a hybrid form of game design and cinematic storytelling for the understanding and making of future learning and…
In huge online games such as EverQuest or Star Wars Galaxies where a great number of players can be connected at the same time, social interaction is complex and conflicts become part of everyday…
THEME: Internationalism: Worlds at Play Abstract Public Diplomacy and Virtual Worlds An examination of the role of Massively Multiplayer Online Games as an extension of and venue for cultural…
A whole world is presented in front of the eyes of a gamer. This world has shapes and colours. What do colours transmit? Is this considered in digital games? This is the main subject for the present…
Any game takes place within a space, so that the rules of the game are in force within its boundaries, what Salen and Zimmerman (2004) have called ‘the magic circle’. Videogames must also follow this…
Abstract: The Japanese role-playing game meta-genre is marked by structures of diegesis that suggest a distinct ontology of nationality, race, and identity. Particularly, the Final Fantasy games have…