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Recent enhancements in real-time graphics have facilitated the design of high fidelity game environments with complex 3D worlds inhabited by animated characters. Under such settings, it is hard,…
Dancers express their feelings and moods through gestures and body movements. We seek to extend this mode of expression by dynamically and automatically adjusting music and lighting in the dance…
Although moving auditory cues have long been known to induce self-motion illusions (“circular vection”) in blindfolded participants, little is known about how spatial sound can facilitate or…
We examine OnLive Traveler as a case study. Traveler is a clientserver application allowing real-time synchronous communication between individuals over the Internet. The Traveler client interface…
Immersive virtual environments (IVE) are increasingly used in both fundamental research like experimental psychology and applications such as training, phobia therapy, or entertainment. Ideally,…
Process drama is a form of improvisational drama where the focus is on the process rather than the product. This form of improvisational activities has been used extensively in many domains. Role…
Interactive narratives have been used in a variety of applications, including video games, educational games, and training simulations. Maintaining engagement within such environments is an important…
There has been a recent increase in the number of game environments or engines that allow users to customize their gaming experiences by building and expanding game behavior. This article describes…
Lighting design is an important topic of game development. There are many functions that lighting assumes in game environments, including directing attention, establishing good action visibility,…
Heightening tension and drama in 3-D interactive environments is a hard, but important problem. It is important for its potential utility in increasing motivation, involvement, engagement, and…
Recent advances in computer graphics, particularly in real-time rendering, have resulted in major improvements in 3D graphics and rendering techniques in interactive entertainment. In this article we…
This chapter seeks to explore the development of an ambient intelligent dance space. In particular, the chapter proposes intelligent systems that use non-linear optimization as well as symbolic rule-…
Designing and developing an interactive narrative experience includes development of story content as well as a visual composition plan for visually realizing the story content. Theatre directors,…
Author: DiPaola, Steve, Author: Arya, Ali
This paper addresses the issue of affective communication remapping, i.e. translation of affective content from one communication form to another. We propose a method to extract the affective data…
Researchers have argued that video games have great utility for learning. Games promote experiential learning and can be used to facilitate active learning. This paper examines the potential of video…
Science and art are merging and with artificial intelligence system like neural networks, genetic programs and rule based systems, artists or designers are using smart systems that allow them to…
This work is ongoing output from research work by Steve DiPaola that attempts to build a computational painting system (called ‘painterly’) that allows aspects of art (the creative human act of fine…
We experiment with computer creativity by employing and modifying techniques from evolutionary computation to create a related family of abstract portrait painter programs. In evolutionary art, most…
This paper examines the signalling effect of dividend changes with a focus on how investors react to dividend changes during volatile markets. The signalling effect should be associated with the…
Author: Alborz, Nazy
This paper contains a strategic analysis of the IP Performance Test Professional Services industry of the Data Networks Operation of Agilent Technologies Inc. The increasing complexity of network…