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Intelligent Lighting for Game Environments

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Lighting design is an important topic of game development. There are many functions that lighting assumes in game environments, including directing attention, establishing good action visibility, evoking emotions, setting atmosphere, and providing depth. Current lighting design techniques rely on static manually designed lighting, where designers set up the positions, angles, and colors for each light in a level. Game environments are dynamic and unpredictable; physical and narrative scene content, including character locations, tension, and narrative goals, change unpredictably in real time due to user interaction. Thus, current static techniques often do not adequately adapt to serve desired aesthetic and communicative functions or perceptual effects. Recently, Doom 3 incorporated dynamic real-time lighting and demonstrated many advantages of using real-time dynamic lighting in games, including heightening the emotional engagement and enhancing the overall interactive experience. However, the technique is scripted and tightly coupled to game content. In this article, we present ELE (Expressive Lighting Engine), an intelligent lighting system that automatically sets and adjusts scene lighting in real time to achieve aesthetic and communicative functions, including evoking emotions, directing visual focus, and providing visibility and depth. ELE operates as a separate system that interacts with game/graphics engines through a standard interface. In this article, we will discuss ELE and its interface with Unreal Tournament 2003. We will also present results showing ELE in action. These results show: the utility of real-time adaptive lighting in providing visual focus, setting atmosphere, evoking emotions, and establishing visibility during interaction in interactive environments; and acceleration in the development process due to the introduction of an automatic system for lighting that can be overridden by designers at a high level, thus eliminating the time-consuming process of setting individual light parameters for each level and scene.
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