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Author: Jeremy Brown
After grappling with such methodological dilemmas of finding interviewees, building trust, and recording or transcribing conversations, scholars of PRC history face different challenges as they shift…
This research project explores how the East Asian natural gas market and its pricing may evolve and how this evolution could impact British Columbia LNG export prospects. The framework for the…
Author: Meyer, Paul
The concept of “global commons” has been applied under international law to certain special environments for which states have agreed to prohibit national appropriation and to treat these spaces as “…
The goal of this work is to develop a photo-switchable dry adhesive. Spiropyran doped PDMS polymer was moulded into biomimetic mushroom-shaped fibrillar adhesive microstructures characterized using…
Appetite by Random House is a lifestyle publishing house imprint, within the parent company of Penguin Random House (PRH) Canada, specializing in the publication of cookbooks. Under corporate policy…
Author: Baxter, Lori, Author: Love, Teena, Author: Pike, Ron
This video comprises an address to the attendees of the 23rd Annual John K. Friesen Conference, "Housing Alternatives for an Aging Population" held May 28-29, 2014, Vancouver, BC.The Simon…
This video clip comprises the "Wrap Up" to the 21st Annual John K. Friesen Conference, "Innovations in Home Care: A Public Policy Perspective," MAY 16-17, 2012, Vancouver, BC. It…
Author: Wister, Andrew, Author: Fox, Graham
This video clip comprises the "Welcome and Introduction" to the 21st Annual John K. Friesen Conference, "Innovations in Home Care: A Public Policy Perspective," MAY 16-17, 2012,…
Heaney and Garman develop a linear valuation operator which prices risky income streams when arbitrage profits are precluded. Both study the case where the states of nature are presumed to follow a…
Author: Hall, Peter V., Author: Vrana, Gene, Author: Lomas, Dave, Author: Folvik, Robin, Author: Strauss, Kendra
Panel Discussion at Maritime Labour Centre between former ILWU Archivist, Gene Vrana (Part 2), former ILWU Canada president Dave Lomas (Part 3), Labour Heritage Centre archivist Robin Folvik (Part 4…
Author: Rowe, Joy
The purpose of this podcast is to answer frequently asked questions from records creators around the university about records management. This is episode three: how to name digital files. Archival…
Author: Rowe, Joy
The purpose of this podcast is to answer frequently asked questions from records creators around the university about records management. This is episode one: What is a record of the university? In…
Author: Rowe, Joy
Not all of your emails, Office files, or paper documents are university records. A good portion of them are transitory records, notes, meeting notices or copies that can be discarded as soon as you…
Author: Rowe, Joy
Records of the university are created by records creators in departments and units, administered by records administrators (who can sometimes be the same person as the record creator) and kept in…
Author: Holden, Meg, Author: Thumm, Alex Jürgen, Author: Gjata, Elton, Contributor: Villagomez, Erick
This report provides an overview of the Bringing the Neighbourhood Into Infill partnership project, its motivation, key priority messages, and next steps. It also presents the results of a…
Author: Holden, Meg, Author: Thumm, Alex Jürgen, Contributor: Villagomez, Erick
Bringing the Neighbours Into Infill provides analysis of two case studies of innovative public engagment processes in the Metro Vancouver region, both of which resulted in a significant change in…
This paper gives precision o the meaning of the term "moral hazard". It then analyses the implications which the phenomenon of moral hazard has on the welfare effects of public insurance…
Whether price and output stabilization schemes for primary commodities are likely to increase or decrease foreign exchange earnings from what they would be otherwise is a question of great importance…
The models of portfolio balance developed by Markowitz and Tobin explain the real world phenomenon of diversified asset holdings elegantly and properly. The models have been criticized, extended, and…