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In the late 1800s, major shifts in manufacturing, media, and marketing began to take place. During this time, advertisements in the food industry boomed as mass-produced goods were readily available…
In 2015 New Star Books—a small, Canadian press—created a podcast for the promotion of its authors. The Happy Hour Symposia aimed to promote authors and create intimacy, or a marketing connection with…
Concussions in youth sports have gained increasing attention over the past decade, as connections between head impacts and long-term damage have become more apparent, and as high profile cases of…
Author: Dan Haught, Author: Jeremy Venditti, Author: Scott Wright
The use of ‘off-the-shelf’ acoustic Doppler velocity profilers (ADCPs) to estimate suspended sediment concentration and grain size in rivers requires robust methods to estimate sound attenuation by…
In-season methods that produce accurate and timely forecasts of returning salmon abundances allow fisheries managers to alter fishing plans in order to meet conservation and harvest objectives. In-…
The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is a research and development initiative of Simon Fraser University and Stanford University, with a focus on understanding and building enhanced modes of scholarly…
Author: Holden, Meg, Author: Cameron, Ken, Author: Farahbakhsh, Amy, Author: Hunter, Chelsea, Author: Simon, Jacint, Author: Magtoto, Jordan, Author: Friesen, Mark, Author: Cross, Meghan, Author: Petersen, Steven, Author: Sidhu, Terry
A detailed summary report of the findings of the 2014 Rethinking the Region workshop.
Author: Coté, Jonathan, Author: Froese, Jack
A two person panel on local leaders' perspectives on working within the Metro Vancouver regional system, with New Westminster mayor Jonathan Cote and Langley Township mayor Jack Froese.
A presentation given by Ken Greenberg, principal of Ken Greenberg Consultants (an architecture and urban design firm based in Toronto) that discusses the importance of mixed income housing using…
Author: Taylor, Zack, Author: Bragdon, David
Zack Taylor, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Western University and David Bragdon, Executive Director, TransitCenter give presentations on regional governance. Held at the Anvil…
Author: Smith, Paddy, Author: Steves, Harold, Author: MacPhail, Joy, Author: Hankin, Richard
A panel discussing the vision that gave rise to the regional government system in place in Metro Vancouver. Moderated by Paddy Smith, Professor of Urban Studies and Political Science at SFU with…
Peter Fassbender, British Columbia Minister of Community, Sport, Cultural Development speaks about regional districts in BC.
There is little doubt that housing affordability in Vancouver is in crisis. Recent plans policy documents from the City of Vancouver and Metro Vancouver have not hesitated to use the term, and…
Author: Cameron, Ken
This article is a book review of Bish, Robert L. and Josef Filipowicz. Governing Greater Victoria: The Role of Elected Officials and Shared Services. Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 2016.
Canada’s participation in the Columbia River Treaty is potentially an inefficient use of Canadian water resources because the parties do not account for the value of ecosystem services in the…
Cumulative effects are the accumulated spatial and temporal impacts to environmental and socioeconomic values from multiple projects and other activities. Cumulative effects assessment (CEA) assesses…
This paper was prepared on November 9, 2016 to replace a scheduled talk (on 'The Possessive-Individualist City') for a conference of urban philosophers held two weeks later in the United…
This paper outlines the creation and evolution of the Institute of Environment Learning at Simon Fraser University from 2006 to 2016. From its inception in 2006, as the BC Working Group and Network…