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Author: Rowe, Joy
All digital records have metadata. Digital university records have metadata that is automatically added by the computer system as well as metadata that you add yourself. This document describes the…
The United Nations, non-profit organizations, and research communities have identified youth with incarcerated parents as a distinct and vulnerable population requiring tailored policy response. This…
Housing affordability is a major issue for the City of Vancouver. The ever-increasing cost of housing is pricing many Vancouverites out of the housing market. Millennials, with interests in…
Small and medium sized businesses make up over 98% of the businesses in British Columbia (BC) and are estimated to account for 28% of the Province’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These businesses…
The purpose of this report is twofold. The first purpose is to assess whether there has been an appreciable change in patient satisfaction at Vancouver’s Mid-Main Community Health Centre in response…
This paper provides a price-theoretic explanation of the well-known phenomenon that automobiles in developing countries depreciate less rapidly and are scrapped at a greater age than they are in…
Survivors of childhood institutional abuse can face a lifetime of physical and mental health challenges. To address the on-going health challenges of claimants during the claims process, the Indian…
In Alberta, low-income women, aged 35-49, engage in self-injury at rates second only to female youth. This demographic faces the stressors of living in poverty combined with gendered and mid-age…
The city of Vancouver has seen record high home prices in recent months. The housing price inflation has led to the city becoming one of the least affordable cities in the world in terms of housing.…
As speculation in foreign exchange (FOREX) markets has been linked to financial crises, a Currency Transactions Tax (CTT) has been proposed. But there is a gap in the literature: given its…
Aging infrastructure, watershed development, and the emergence of a risk-informed society has led to the need to re-examine dam safety through a societal lens. The incorporation of risk tolerance…
Cu is a widely occurring contaminant in aquatic systems and is acutely toxic to fish. The current paradigm of copper’s toxic mechanism of action in fish is believed to be through direct effects on…
Lifestyles can play an important role in shaping consumer behaviour in regard to novel low-carbon technologies. In this study, I utilize a conceptual framework from lifestyle theory, which defines…
Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is a regional plan that sets out how the region will to accommodate urban growth in the next 25 years, while protecting some lands from urban…
This report is intended as a follow up to the 2014 Amanda Peters report, “The Porthole View: Marketing to the Masses Through the Little Window,” which provided a top down analysis of Now Or Never…
Policymakers are investigating how to transition to zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) to achieve long-term GHG targets. ZEV adoption is limited by regional and global barriers, where reductions in…
There is a significant lack of programs and supports for youth transitioning from the child to adult mental health systems in BC. At the age of 19, youth age out of the child and youth mental health…
One in five renter households in Canada spends 50% or more of their income on housing, a severe rent burden which can lead to poorer social and economic outcomes for households and communities. Below…
This study examines the co-management arrangements between the Metlakatla First Nation and the Province of British Columbia, with a specific focus on the implementation of co-management within the…