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Author: Mosny, Milan, Author: Funt, Brian
Automatic white balancing works quite well on average, but seriously fails some of the time. These failures lead to completely unacceptable images. Can the number, or severity, of these failures be…
Metamer mismatching (the phenomenon that two objects matching in color under one illuminant may not match under a different illuminant) potentially has important consequences for color perception.…
A new algorithm for evaluating metamer mismatch volumes is introduced. Unlike previous methods, the proposed method places no restrictions on the set of possible object reflectance spectra. Such…
Author: Shi, Lilong, Author: Funt, Brian
A new two-stage illumination estimation method based on the concept of rank is presented. The method first estimates the illuminant locally in subwindows using a ranking of digital counts in each…
Large multi-spectral datasets such as those created by multi-spectral images require a lot of data storage. Compression of these data is therefore an important problem. A common approach is to use…
Author: Godau, Christoph, Author: Funt, Brian
Recently Logvinenko introduced a new objectcolor space, establishing a complete color atlas that is invariant to illumination [2]. However, the existing implementation for calculating the proposed…
Objective Estimates indicate that 20–70% of renal transplant recipients are medication non-adherent, significantly increasing the risk of organ rejection. Medication adherence is negatively impacted…
Author: Travers, Ann, Author: Deri, Jillian
This article examines the re-negotiation of sex-based boundaries within the context of transgender/transsexual inclusion in North American lesbian softball leagues. Semi-structured interviews with…
To safeguard the environment and satisfy the energy needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same, sustainable energy development is urgently needed.…
Author: Vivaldi, Ana
In this paper I explore ethnographically the tension between urban Toba indigenous people living in Buenos Aires, ubiquitous incorporation of mobile phones and the deep disconnecting effects mobile…
Author: Schafer, Dov, Author: Kaufman, David
It is clear that our daily reality will increasingly interface with virtual inputs. We already integrate the virtual into real life through constantly evolving sensor technologies embedded into our…
Aeroallergens occur naturally in the environment and are widely dispersed across Canada, yet their public health implications are not well-understood. This review intends to provide a scientific and…
Author: Mirzaei, Hamid, Author: Funt, Brian
Predicting how the LMS cone response to light reflected from a surface changes with changing lighting conditions is a long-standing and important problem. It arises in white balancing digital imagery…
Author: Funt, Brian, Author: Shi, Lilong
The poor performance of the MaxRGB illuminationestimation method is often used in the literature as a foil when promoting some new illumination-estimation method. However, the results presented here…
Key life-cycle transitions, such as metamorphosis or migration, can be altered by a variety of external factors, such as climate variation, strong species interactions, and management intervention,…
Author: Funt, Brian, Author: Shi, Lilong
The performance of the MaxRGB illumination-estimation method for color constancy and automatic white balancing has been reported in the literature as being mediocre at best; however, MaxRGB has…
Author: Funt, Brian, Author: Mosny, Milan
Color image calibration is usually done with the aid of a color chart such as the Macbeth ColorChecker containing a set of carefully produced color patches. However, in many consumer applications…
Logvinenko’s color atlas theory provides a structure in which a complete set of color-equivalent material and illumination pairs can be generated to match any given input RGB color. In chromaticity…
Author: Mosny, Milan, Author: Funt, Brian
A new color constancy algorithm called Cubical Gamut Mapping (CGM) is introduced. CGM is computationally very simple, yet performs better than many currently known algorithms in terms of median…