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Intersecting Color Manifolds

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Logvinenko’s color atlas theory provides a structure in which a complete set of color-equivalent material and illumination pairs can be generated to match any given input RGB color. In chromaticity space, the set of such pairs forms a 2-dimensional manifold embedded in a 4-dimensional space. For singleilluminant scenes, the illumination for different input RGB values must be contained in all the corresponding manifolds. The proposed illumination-estimation method estimates the scene illumination based on calculating the intersection of the illuminant components of the respective manifolds through a Hough-like voting process. Overall, the performance on the two datasets for which camera sensitivity functions are available is comparable to existing methods. The advantage of the formulating the illumination-estimation in terms of manifold intersection is that it expresses the constraints provided by each available RGB measurement within a sound theoretical foundation.
Presented at the CIC 2011 IS&T Color Imaging Conference, Nov. 2011.
Published as
Funt, B., and Mirzaei, H., "Intersecting Color Manifolds," Proc. Nineteenth IS&T Color Imaging Conference, San Francisco, Nov. 2011.
Publication title
Proc. of the Nineteenth Color Imaging Conference
Document title
Intersecting Color Manifolds
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Copyright is held by the author(s).
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