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Though scholars have often perceived of sovereignty in purely territorial and capital-p political terms, this is not a useful way to understand the concept when it comes to Indigenous nations. Both…
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults under the age of 35; a devastating disease that is not yet well understood. To date, greater than 1000…
In this thesis, we contribute in two main directions: modeling asynchronous time-series data and learning from partial labelled data. We first propose novel probabilistic frameworks to improve…
The scaling relationship between metabolic rate and body mass is one of the most notable functional relationships in comparative physiology and macroecology. In aquatic ectotherms, the surface area…
The Paleo Diet is a popular but controversial dietary regime that requires adherents to avoid domesticated plants and replicate the macronutrient distribution (i.e., the percentages of carbohydrates…
Author: Zhao, Kai
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic disease with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations and infections are a leading cause of morbidity and premature mortality in patients with SLE.…
Wearable biosensors have great potential for real-time diagnostics, but have been encumbered by costly fabrication processes, rigid materials, and inadequate sensitivity for physiological ranges.…
Oxygen fuels aerobic metabolism and as such, plays an important role in the physiology, ecology, and evolution of organisms. Traits related to oxygen acquisition (respiratory surface area) and use (…
This research consists of two parts. The first part provides an extended critique of market-based conservation as exemplary of neo-liberal ideology. Natural asset management, an example of market-…
Obtaining an explanation for an SQL query result can enrich the analysis experience, reveal data errors, and provide deeper insight into the data. Inference query explanation seeks to explain…
Author: Hauck, Byron
Has China's countryside left socialism behind? Is the rise of digital connectivity an indication of, as Jodi Dean argues, the foreclosure of opportunities to participate in society towards…
Author: Shen, Shuoge
The Logic Scoring of Preference (LSP) method is based on soft computing principles for complex spatial decision-making that integrates large number of criteria and capture human logic reasoning. The…
Everyone is connected and operates with or alongside a maternal structure. As psychologist Bracha L. Ettinger states, we all hold within us an imprint or memory of being carried — carried across…
Author: Dewit, Megan
Remote sensing methods are widely used in geological applications today, as many outcrops are difficult to access. Terrestrial LiDAR, infrared thermography, and photogrammetry are used at two field…
Playa lakes are arid region ephemeral bodies of water that have been found in association with important archaeological sites. These lakes produce distinct sediments in response to changing…
The Birkhoff polytope was introduced in 1946 to facilitate the study of doubly stochastic matrices. The volume of the n-th Birkhoff polytope is an essential characteristic but methods to compute this…
Background: The burden of illness faced by people experiencing both homelessness and mental illness is staggering. When the needs of this population go unmet, it is often the healthcare system that…
Author: Haig, Alexis
The representation agreement (RA), a legal planning document in British Columbia, allows an adult to appoint a person—i.e., a representative—to assist them with decisions or make decisions on their…
Author: Smith, Sarah
As heritage resource management and Indigenous heritage stewardship moves into the forefront of project design and operational planning in British Columbia, researchers look for innovative ways to…
Developing strong academic writing skills often requires years of experience and training within a discipline. When novice writers are asked to write an argumentative essay, they are usually required…