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Exploring Student Engagement with Mathematics Homework as Self-Assessment

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Thesis type
((Thesis) (Education) ) M.Sc.
Date created
Homework is a highly debated topic. Overall, research indicates that effective homework can improve achievement. However, little research exists on how students can engage with homework in meaningful ways. I have implemented a variety of homework systems in my mathematics classes, but always felt that many students were not learning from their homework. Reviewing the literature, self-assessment presents itself as an option for improving learning. The current study explores how students engage with autonomous mathematics homework promoted to them as self-assessment. Students were surveyed and interviewed concerning their engagement with the homework. Motivation, autonomy, goals, adaptation to change, and marks influenced student engagement. For the students who deeply valued both their learning and the self-assessment, the homework became a powerful learning tool. Yet, because the system required a high level of engagement and responsibility, other students lacked sufficient motivation to engage at a level where they could benefit at all.
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Copyright is held by the author.
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Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Liljedahl, Peter
Member of collection
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