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Deep neural networks are able to diagnose skin diseases from images accurately, but they still have a long way to go to be trusted in healthcare. In this thesis, we tackle two well-known problems in…
Reflections often degrade the quality of images by obstructing the background scenes. This is not desirable for everyday users, and it negatively impacts the performance of multimedia applications…
My dissertation examines the interplay between football, politics, violence, and morality in Argentina by considering the role of club officials, politicians, and fans, among other actors, in the…
Author: Zhong, Xinyi
We formalize and study the multi-goal task assignment and pathfinding (MG-TAPF) problem from both theoretical and algorithmic perspectives. The MG-TAPF problem is to compute an assignment of tasks to…
Author: Hung, Lillian, Author: Mann, Jim, Author: Battersby, Lupin, Author: Parappilly, Beena, Author: Butcher, Colleen, Author: Vicic, Alicia
This knowledge translation study qualitatively explores strategies that facilitated hospital staff engagement in online educational games for dementia education. Interdisciplinary staff (n=2010) in…
Early soft-processor designs, targeting SRAM-based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), were heavily constrained by the logic capacities and functionality of the FPGAs of their time. Today, where…
Intraprotein electron transfer processes are crucial to the maintenance of cellular pathways that enable life as we know. Well-studied and well-characterized proteins such as cytochrome c and azurin…
Author: Lau, Ivan
Let x be an unknown vector of length N which has at most k relatively large entries, so that x is well-approximated by its best k-term approximation xk. A compressed sensing scheme consists of a…
Drilling into an aquifer that exists under flowing artesian conditions can have significant environmental and socio-economic consequences. Unfortunately, the risk of drilling a flowing well in…
This thesis thinks about agency through dancing. It is also a text that senses into power, choice-making, vulnerability, care, and knowledge as they emerge in both agency and dancing. I use the…
Grinding stones were significant tools used in foodways for millennia across the globe. Though these tools have received little attention in the past, within the last few decades there is an…
Attention allocation to positive and negative stimuli differ. For example, the flanker interference asymmetry describes a pattern of results on flanker tasks using emotional stimuli, where a typical…
The SFU Knowledge Mobilization Hub seeks to improve the capacity of researchers to mobilize their work and have a positive impact on the real world. We piloted a training initiative, Research Meets…
Unlike deep learning which requires large training datasets, correlation filter-based trackers like Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF) use implicit properties of tracked images (circulant structure…
Author: He, Canfei, Author: Li, Jing, Author: Wang, Wenyu, Author: Zhang, Peng
This paper studies how firms’ costs of switching to alternative locations affect regional resilience to the 2018 US-China trade shock, and how national and subnational governments in China develop…
Valuation of ecosystem services has recently been emphasized to arouse the attention of policymakers on natural capital. Stated Preference (SP) approach is a well-established method to estimate the…
Species' responses to anthropogenic have been varied and complex. Some species and areas have flourished, whilst others have been reduced to a fraction of their previous extent or diversity…
Foragers of many ant species deposit trail pheromones that guide nestmates to food resources. We identified 2-Methoxy-6-methylbenzoate ('MMMB') as the single-component trail pheromone of…
In this paper the Climate, Land, Energy, and Water system (CLEWs) interactions of biofuels production are addressed. We utilize an open-source modelling framework to assess direct and indirect…
RT studies have provided evidence for a singleton-detection strategy that is used to search for salient targets when there is no additional featural knowledge that would help guide attention. Despite…