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The goal of this thesis is to understand why children with cerebral palsy (CP) expend more energy and fatigue faster when walking than their typically developing peers. I used a large observational…
Green Infrastructure (GI) has received praise from government agencies, academic institutions, and engineering associations. Many municipalities have expressed interest in GI implementation and have…
Salmon spend the majority of their life in the ocean, coming into inland rivers for the purpose of spawning. The Fraser River is one of the most productive salmon spawning rivers in the world, and is…
Jellyfish have evolved the most energy-efficient method of propulsion of any animal on Earth, despite having an extremely simple physical and neural structure. For this reason, they are a very…
Bedtime Stories is an expression of privacy and intimacy, mother and daughter relationships and their complications, fabric, needles, and storytelling. This work is made of 100 small and large pieces…
Author: Wong, Emma
An increase in anti-Asian hate crimes was observed across Canada after the emergence of COVID-19. The increase in hate crimes highlights a need to understand how Asian-Canadians perceive the police…
Author: Wang, Yitong
Infant motor development, much like developmental science, is based on studies with Western samples, yet ethnographic observations across diverse cultural contexts points to potential variability…
Data analytics is essential to enable data-driven decision-making. While batch analytics is often run offline and can take several hours or even days to generate results, human-in-the-loop analytics…
In many multi-sensor and robotic monitoring systems such as smart homes and surveillance applications, detection of the human body, and recognition of its posture/action play an important role. This…
The inability to tolerate everyday sounds, also known as Decreased Sound Tolerance (DST), has proven to be one the most prevalent issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While advanced Neural…
Victim to a curse, I had to perform actions that were not my own in order to access the technologies of spiritual alignment embedded in collectively-developed rituals. I followed instructions. At…
Renewable energy is a revolution in the field of power generation to ensure environment friendly alternatives to fossil fuels. Wave power is a huge source of renewable energy found in the ocean…
Author: Vine, Kyle
Sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) is a nonlinear optical spectroscopy used to probe the vibrations of molecules at interfaces. SFG-VS can be applied to study a vast number of…
High resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data allow for measurement of multicentimeter-scale glacier motion via a technique known as speckle tracking. In this thesis, I develop an intensity…
While the concept of social-ecological transformation is increasingly being invoked to guide ecologically safe and socially just pathways to sustainability, Indigenous communities have been…
The capacity for health and disease, and pleasure and pain, has an evolutionary legacy. Human females demonstrate a suite of unique as well as elaborated reproductive traits, such as invasive…
Author: Keil, Rowena
This study investigates the material conditions of frontline grocery work in Metro Vancouver during the first year of the global pandemic, and contrasts the everyday experiences of grocery workers…
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a promising approach for real-world applications of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF). However, its success depends on a good reward function, which is difficult to…
Training a single network for high resolution and geometrically consistent monocular depth estimation is challenging due to varying scene complexities in the real world. To address this, we present a…
Energy access has been identified as critical to economic development and the improvement of millions of people's standard of living. Despite significant efforts in recent years, it is estimated…