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Conservation planning needs to account for limited resources when choosing those species on which to focus attention and resources. Currently, funding is biased to small sections of the tree of life…
Circadian clocks in many brain regions and peripheral tissues are entrained by the daily rhythm of food intake. Clocks in one or more of these locations generate a daily rhythm of locomotor activity…
We report here that (4R,9Z)-hexadec-9-en-4-olide [(R)-desmolactone] is a sex attractant or sex pheromone for multiple species and subspecies in the cerambycid genus Desmocerus. This compound was…
BackgroundThere are striking differences in breast cancer incidence between Asian and western women. Rates vary substantially within Asia also, with Mongolia's even lower than China's.…
The honeybee (Apis mellifera) waggle dance, which is performed inside the hive by forager bees, informs hive mates about a potent food source, and recruits them to its location. It consists of a…
This report examines Quietly, a technology startup company that provides tools for digital publishers. The report discusses what Quietly is, what advantages it provides, and why it started, while…
This project examines the accomplishment of Samuel Beckett, particularly in his plays, in discovering new ways of registering interiority in an age marked by catastrophe, and the religious, social…
Author: Yu, Guang Qu
The purpose of this project is to propose a statistical model for health insurance total claim amounts classified by age group, region of residence and time horizon of the insured population under…
The Community Forest Agreement established in 1998 in the province of British Columbia was initiated to provide communities with increased access to and control over timber supply areas proximate to…
The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) between Canada and the United States was implemented in 1964 to cooperatively manage water-related issues. Treaty terms were based on concerns of flood control and…
British Columbia’s existing flood risk will be intensified due to climate change. One approach to adapt to this increased risk is to encourage the floodproofing of properties in flood prone areas.…
The Canadian definition of housing affordability depends on a ratio, which states that housing is affordable if it costs less than 30% of gross household income. This ratio is used to determine both…
Despite high coverage overall, routine childhood immunization coverage rates vary across Canada, and are in decline in some regions. Numerous systematic and social factors affect vaccine uptake,…
Author: Zhu, Xin, Author: Zhang, Xiao Guang
In this paper we evaluate the performance of the US mutual fund industry over the past 15 years, using a novel methodology developed by AQR Management’s Quality Minus Junk paper (2013). We augment…
Jurisdictions around the world are investing in “smart grid”, which comprises a myriad of technologies that can help optimize the electricity grid. While one motivation for smart grid is to reduce…
Alberta’s electricity sector has traditionally relied on coal and natural gas thermal plants to produce electricity. Alberta’s dependence on fossil fuel technology has meant that its electricity…
Author: Yu, Maria
Mercury is an environmental contaminant that can bioaccumulate in terrestrial ecosystems as organic methylmercury (MeHg); however little is known on the effects of mercury exposure on terrestrial-…
Within Canada, Alberta is projected to be one fastest growing provinces, both in demographics and size of its economy. If current trends continue, its transportation network will need to grow…
Aboriginal education is a complex system of governance compromises, overlapping jurisdictions and multi-party agreements. The future of Aboriginal education is a dim one at present. Evidence from…
First Nations economic development is widely understood to be a means to achieving self-sufficiency and self-determination. However, existing literature does not adequately address unique challenges…