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BackgroundInflammation contributes to breast cancer development through its effects on cell damage. This damage is usually dealt with by key genes involved in apoptosis and autophagy pathways.…
Author: Lu, Shih En
This paper characterizes generic equilibrium play in a multi-sender version of Crawford and Sobel's (1982) cheap talk model, when robustness to a broad class of beliefs about noise in the…
Purpose: Most prior research on psychopathy and institutional misconduct/violence occurs with adult samples and comparatively less is known about the nature of this relationship among serious,…
Large survey databases for aging-related analysis are often examined to discover key factors that affect a dependent variable of interest. Typically, this analysis is performed with methods assuming…
Ancient systems of mariculture were foundations of social-ecological systems of many coastal Indigenous Peoples. However, since such systems either do not leave tangible remains in the archaeological…
The current study contributes to previous work on measuring the social phenotype in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by validating a multidimensional test of social competence developed for use with…
Resource subsidies across ecosystems can have strong and unforeseen ecological impacts. Marine-derived nutrients from Pacific salmon (Onchorhycus spp.) can be transferred to streams and riparian…
Author: Miele, Amy
Although widespread uptake of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) (including battery electric, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles) could help Canada achieve deep greenhouse gas reductions…
I characterized the morphology of a hydrogen fuel cell membrane commercially known as Nafion. First generation Nafion (N112/N115) was compared with the second generation (N211) at various…
The innate immune system in insects is regulated by specific signalling pathways. Most immune related pathways were identified and characterized in holometabolous insects such as Drosophila…
Author: Fu, Xiaoyu, Author: Peng, Zheng
In this paper, we explore the use of Schwartz and Smith two-factor model incopper pricing. We used both Copper future data from LME and Analyst Forecast datafrom Bloomberg (LME) and World Bank as…
Author: Wang, Yueren
Employer-sponsored pension plans play an important role in providing employees with adequate retirement income. They are expensive and carry some important risks. The employer and its employees share…
Seagrass habitats have recently been characterized by their ability to capture and store organic carbon, known as ‘blue carbon.’ However, the geospatial extent and carbon storage capacity of these…
Quamichan Lake is a culturally eutrophic shallow lake located in North Cowichan on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. My research project examined the current trophic status and water quality of…
Background: Orthostatic hypotension (OH; profound falls in blood pressure when upright) is a common deficit that increases in incidence with age, and may be associated with falling risk. Deficit…
Author: Lin, Yan
Prior to committing an offence for which they are ultimately found not criminally responsible (NCR), offenders may have contact with the health care and criminal justice systems. Understanding the…
Humans have been developing management systems to support resilient food production through social-ecological feedbacks for millennia. On the Northwest Coast of North America, Indigenous peoples have…
Individuals with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) experience a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral deficits thought to interfere with their ability to competently…
Many Indigenous communities in the world have established protected areas to assert control over and protect areas in their traditional territories. Canadian policymakers are also examining how such…