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Author: Bin, Molly, Author: Chen, Wilson, Author: Tannar, Nathan, Author: Xiao, Jia Hui (Mandy), Author: RewardWallet
RewardWallet is a system that keeps track of transactions users make at a business to allocate rewards to a customer's profile based on how the business customizes their distribution model. Each…
We would like to introduce a cutting-edge braille reader called the Ripple Reader. Our implementation of the braille reader will significantly reduce the price of the product by both offboarding…
Painting a room is a repetitive, time consuming, and messy task for homeowners and contractors alike. Even in ideal conditions, applying the necessary coats of paint to a large wall can be a long and…
Author: Erickson, Reese, Author: Shokri, Neijer, Author: Liu, Jason, Author: Dewan, Waez, Author: De Guzman, Jon, Author: Talaio Technologies
Our design of a modular, automatically tracking camera mount will allow anyone to think less about the framing and capture process, and more about their content. The CidaFrame will be a simple to use…
Two main forms of EEGs exist today: a complicated setup of wires in a gel cap that covers the user's entire head, and dry EEGs which sit on the surface of the skin without any gel but that…
Author: Qiao, Isaac, Author: Chiu, Christopher, Author: Wang, Ruisi, Author: Ng, Bengamin, Author: Li, Tommy, Author: Home Attender
The Home Attender is a scalable security system which integrates various components into a more complete product. It will include components as accelerometers, a thermal and optical camera module,…
Author: Prabhu, Ananth, Author: Tran, Francis, Author: Kooliyath, Freddy, Author: Monte de Ramos, Hazel, Author: Chen, Mirac, Author: PharmaSort
Our aim with Axis is to minimize the drug noncompliance in seniors and other potentially disadvantaged demographics (such as rural or Aboriginal communities).  We propose a device that can…
Author: Athwal, Arman, Author: Ulhaq, Mateen, Author: Leung, Martin, Author: Yarrow, Bud, Author: Tejani, Naim, Author: Yun, Victor, Author: Eagle Eye Systems
The goal of the Eagle Eye Tracker is to create an automated targeting and tracking system to counteract illegal actions that are committed using small unmanned aerial vehicles. This system will be…
Author: Doyle, B., Author: Bendell, L.I.
Our objectives were twofold; (1) to determine if the addition of shell hash to intertidal sediments would mitigate porewater acidification, and (2) whether its effectiveness was dependent on the type…
Cytokines are a general class of proteins involved in inflammatory response, and abnormal concentrations of cytokines in humans have been linked to a number of diseases. Aptamers are single-stranded…
This thesis outlines the potential of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)for small protein detection. Such small protein is a signaling protein named cytokine which is related to various diseases.…
Author: Tay, Daniel, Author: Jannati, Ali, Author: Green, Jessica J., Author: McDonald, John J.
The salience-driven selection theory is comprised of three main tenets: (a) the most salient stimulus within a monitored region of the visual field captures attention, (b) the only way to prevent…
Author: Travers, Author: Reed, Kathleen, Author: Kwan, Grace, Author: Hall, Peter V., Author: Scott, Nicholas, Author: Winters, Meghan
In 2020, the authors received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Mobility and Public Transit competition. The primary output made…
Author: Amini, Arvin
Over the past decades, electronics and silicon manufacturing have grown rapidly. Alongside this, the capability of integrated circuits (ICs) has significantly increased; modern electronics are…
Author: Reed, Kathleen, Author: Marchbank, Jennifer, Author: Travers
This short report summarizes the literature related to youth and transit, with a focus on demand, barriers, youth advocacy, various types of passes (i.e., U-PASS, free or reduced-fares), and active…
Cosmic radiation causes transient errors in microelectronic devices, known as Single Event Upsets (SEUs). These errors are most common in space-borne electronics, however terrestrial electronics…
When Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) spawn and die, they deliver marine-derived nutrient subsidies to freshwater and riparian ecosystems. These subsidies can alter the behavior,…
Predicting whether anthropogenic sources of mortality have negative consequences at the level of population dynamics is challenged by mechanisms like density-dependent survival that can amplify or…
Advances in experimental design and equipment have simplified the collection of maximum metabolic rate (MMR) data for a more diverse array of water-breathing animals. However, little attention has…
Author: Zang, Jiajie, Author: Wang, Jiacheng, Author: Zhang, Jianwen, Author: Zhou, Jianqiao
Proposed to be the critical enabling component for future distribution networks, solid-state transformers (SSTs) have drawn much attention lately. They have a massive potential to help reduce size…