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The accompanying zip file contains the source code of JScope to allow reproducibility. For any questions or contribution, please raise an issue or create a pull-request in this Github repository:
Author: Faghanpour Ganji, Mohammad
Date created: 2023-03-27
This zip file contains materials used in our user study. It includes pre-questionnaire, study tasks for control and experimental groups, and the pre-study tutorial. These documents are also available online at
Author: Faghanpour Ganji, Mohammad
Date created: 2023-03-27
The accompanying Excel spreadsheet shows the input parameters for the 229 models created in Chapter 2 results.
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, nMIr, nMIw, nMIt, Cs, Dgrd, River_width, Sed_discharge(m3/2), Dmm.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, nMIr, nMIw, nMIt, Cs, Dgrd, River_width, Sed_discharge(m3/2), Dmm.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
Author: Anderson, Aspen
Date created: 2023-01-12
The accompanying Excel spreadsheet shows the input parameters for the 229 models created in Chapter 2 along with the geomorphic and hydrogeologic parameters calculated for each delta model in Chapter 3.
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, Cs, Dgrd, Dmm, Ad, Cn, Tcl, L, Ncw, Sh, Sr, k, K, d10, Co, NumCo, SizeCo, 90th_percentile_of_k, hp_in_cn, dh/dl, q, q_min, q_max, Ahp, Range_0, Range_30, Range_60, Range_90, Range_120, Range_150, Sill_0, Sill_30, Sill_60, Sill_90, Sill_120, Sill_150.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that simulation formed a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
Some of the variables in this spreadsheet are not discussed in Chapter 3. As such, a definition of the additional variables is given:
Tcl Total channel length
L Length of the longest channel
Ncw Channel width normalized by the number of channels
NumCo Number of connective bodies
SizeCo Size of the largest connective body
q_min Specific discharge calculated using the smallest dh/dl
q_max Specific discharge calculated using the largest dh/dl
hp_in_cn Percent of high permeability area contained within the channel network
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, Cs, Dgrd, Dmm, Ad, Cn, Tcl, L, Ncw, Sh, Sr, k, K, d10, Co, NumCo, SizeCo, 90th_percentile_of_k, hp_in_cn, dh/dl, q, q_min, q_max, Ahp, Range_0, Range_30, Range_60, Range_90, Range_120, Range_150, Sill_0, Sill_30, Sill_60, Sill_90, Sill_120, Sill_150.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that simulation formed a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
Some of the variables in this spreadsheet are not discussed in Chapter 3. As such, a definition of the additional variables is given:
Tcl Total channel length
L Length of the longest channel
Ncw Channel width normalized by the number of channels
NumCo Number of connective bodies
SizeCo Size of the largest connective body
q_min Specific discharge calculated using the smallest dh/dl
q_max Specific discharge calculated using the largest dh/dl
hp_in_cn Percent of high permeability area contained within the channel network
Author: Anderson, Aspen
Date created: 2023-01-12
The accompanying Excel spreadsheet shows the morphodynamic, recharge, population, and groundwater salinity information for the 60 deltas investigated in Chapter 4. Calculated susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability are also included. The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
Delta_ID, Lat, Long, Delta, Country, Name, Qfluvial, Qtide, Qwave, Rfluvial, Rtide, Rwave, Delta_type, R, P, Salinity.
In the Delta_type column, 1 means that the delta is fluvial, 2 means that the delta is wave, 3 means that the delta is tidal, and 4 means that the delta is mixed.
In the Salinity column, 1 means that there is known groundwater salinity from pervious marine transgressions in the delta and 0 means that there is no scientific research demonstrating the presence of salinity from previous transgressions.
Delta_ID, Lat, Long, Delta, Country, Name, Qfluvial, Qtide, Qwave, Rfluvial, Rtide, Rwave, Delta_type, R, P, Salinity.
In the Delta_type column, 1 means that the delta is fluvial, 2 means that the delta is wave, 3 means that the delta is tidal, and 4 means that the delta is mixed.
In the Salinity column, 1 means that there is known groundwater salinity from pervious marine transgressions in the delta and 0 means that there is no scientific research demonstrating the presence of salinity from previous transgressions.
Author: Anderson, Aspen
Date created: 2023-01-12
The accompanying excel file contains detailed information on the human enamel samples collected as part of the study in Chapter 2: Assessing the predictability of existing water-to-enamel geolocation models against known human teeth. The column headings “Sample.ID” denotes the sample ID, “age” the age of the individual at the time of sample collection, “sex” the sex of the individual and “Molar (1, 2, 3)” whether they were first, second or third molars. Additionally, “city”, “province” and “country” and the geographical coordinates “latitude” and “longitude” columns lists the geographical location in which the individual resided during the time of tissue formation. Measured stable oxygen isotope delta values are listed under “d18Oc_VPDB”, and the converted VSMOW values under “d18Oc_VSMOW”. Column headings “type_of_dw” denotes the type of paired drinking water, “n” the number of analyzed water samples, and the stable oxygen isotope values of drinking water is listed under d18Odw_VSMOW. Water values that are also annual averages are noted as “Annual” under the column heading” Time_period”. Estimated drinking water values using the Online Isotope Precipitation Calculator (OIPC) and the Regionalized Cluster-based Water Isotope Prediction (RCWIP) database are listed under “d18O_OIPC” and “d18O_RCWIP”, and the respective confidence intervals under “d18O_CI_OIPC” and “d18O_RCWIP_err”.
Author: Ueda, Momoko
Date created: 2023-03-30
The accompanying excel file contains stable hydrogen (column: “d2H”) and oxygen isotope (column: “d18O”) data of drinking water for each city. Data were collected from existing literature and databases as part of the study in Chapter 2: Assessing the predictability of existing water-to-enamel geolocation models against known human teeth. The water collection dates are given under the column heading “Collection Date”, the geographical coordinates under “Latitude” and “Longitude”, the type of water source under “Type”, and the name of the water source under “Source” if these data was provided in the original article or database.
Author: Ueda, Momoko
Date created: 2023-03-30
The accompanying excel file contains all possible combination of existing water-to-enamel equations and carbonate-to-phosphate equations. This file is a part of the study in Chapter 2: Assessing the predictability of existing water-to-enamel geolocation models against known human teeth. The name of the study in which the equation was developed is listed under the column heading “study”. If the equation was combined with a different equation, those were listed under “conversion 1” and if another conversion was applied, those were listed under “conversion 2”. If no conversions were applied, it was denoted as “yes” under the column heading “original”. The column heading “Y” denotes the dependent variable, “standard” and “standard 2” the reference standards, “slope” the slope of the equation, “X” the independent variable and “intercept” the y-intercept.
Author: Ueda, Momoko
Date created: 2023-03-30
The accompanying excel file contains the results for the mean standard deviation (MSD) calculations as part of the study in Chapter 2: Assessing the predictability of existing water-to-enamel geolocation models against known human teeth. The column headings “Model” denotes the original equation and “cpequation” indicates any carbonate-to-phosphate equations that were applied. The components of the MSD calculations, non-unity slope (NU), lack of correlation (LC) and squared bias (SB) as well as the final MSD values are listed in the respective columns. The column heading “CODE” represents the codes for each equation which appears in Figure 2-13.
Author: Ueda, Momoko
Date created: 2023-03-30