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Author: Anderson, Aspen
The accompanying Excel spreadsheet shows the input parameters for the 229 models created in Chapter 2 along with the geomorphic and hydrogeologic parameters calculated for each delta model in Chapter 3.
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, Cs, Dgrd, Dmm, Ad, Cn, Tcl, L, Ncw, Sh, Sr, k, K, d10, Co, NumCo, SizeCo, 90th_percentile_of_k, hp_in_cn, dh/dl, q, q_min, q_max, Ahp, Range_0, Range_30, Range_60, Range_90, Range_120, Range_150, Sill_0, Sill_30, Sill_60, Sill_90, Sill_120, Sill_150.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that simulation formed a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
Some of the variables in this spreadsheet are not discussed in Chapter 3. As such, a definition of the additional variables is given:
Tcl Total channel length
L Length of the longest channel
Ncw Channel width normalized by the number of channels
NumCo Number of connective bodies
SizeCo Size of the largest connective body
q_min Specific discharge calculated using the smallest dh/dl
q_max Specific discharge calculated using the largest dh/dl
hp_in_cn Percent of high permeability area contained within the channel network
The spreadsheet includes the following columns:
ID, Name, Sed_formed, Qav, Wa, Ti, Cs, Dgrd, Dmm, Ad, Cn, Tcl, L, Ncw, Sh, Sr, k, K, d10, Co, NumCo, SizeCo, 90th_percentile_of_k, hp_in_cn, dh/dl, q, q_min, q_max, Ahp, Range_0, Range_30, Range_60, Range_90, Range_120, Range_150, Sill_0, Sill_30, Sill_60, Sill_90, Sill_120, Sill_150.
In the Sed_formed column, 1 means that simulation formed a delta formed, 0 means that a delta did not form, and NaN means that the simulation did not finish.
Some of the variables in this spreadsheet are not discussed in Chapter 3. As such, a definition of the additional variables is given:
Tcl Total channel length
L Length of the longest channel
Ncw Channel width normalized by the number of channels
NumCo Number of connective bodies
SizeCo Size of the largest connective body
q_min Specific discharge calculated using the smallest dh/dl
q_max Specific discharge calculated using the largest dh/dl
hp_in_cn Percent of high permeability area contained within the channel network
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