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Jackson Dionne stated he had a drinking problem after growing up in Fort St. James. Eventually he quit drinking in 1996, and in 1998 went to school to be a counselor. Eventually got a part time job…
Gary George is from Northern Central British Columbia and his Nation lies right near the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline proposed by Enbridge. This area is near Burns Lake, Houston, and Smithers…
Assembly of First Nations, Grand Chief Sean Atleo, is speaking about Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline project that will be shipping bitumen to China, and the relationship to the Chinese…
Lori Ellis’s sister in law Cara Ellis was a survival sex worker in Vancouver’s downtown eastside and was tragically murdered by Robert Pickton. Lori Ellis is a Calgary resident who was at the…
Author: Wang, Xuefei
This thesis consists of three essays that study three different economic phenomena. The first essay is inspired by the strikingly large number of children left behind by migrant parents in rural…
Women's economic empowerment refers to both the process and outcome of increasing women’s access to and control over economic resources and opportunities. It is something to be valued, not only…
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) has been available for four years to Canadians with disabilities. Despite offering generous grants and bonds, subscription remains low, with only 9% of…
This study analyzes the nutritional status of women from low income households in Bangladesh. The key policy issue is inadequacy of protein and micronutrients in the regular diet of low income women…
In Canada, homeownership among seniors is high, and approximately 80% of seniors wish to remain in their home for as long as possible, even if their health declines. The desire to remain in one’s…
The decline of bees is a phenomenon that has been observed in various regions including Europe and North America. While the decline of Canadian honeybees, a non-native species managed for commercial…
The freight truck industry in Canada is the lifeblood of many communities throughout the country. These communities rely upon overland freight for everything from food to fuel. The continued…
Integrated Mutli-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) combines the culturing of fish and extractive aquaculture species at one site to simulate a balanced natural system and reduce some environmental issues of…
Pakistan army has ruled the country for the better part of its history. As a result, several scholars have contemplated its role in the economic under-development of the country. However, a better…
British Columbia (B.C.) is home to 25 species of cetaceans, six of which are listed as at risk of extinction by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) and under the…
Past research has established a link connecting higher levels of education and development. Nonetheless, high incidence of dropout behavior persists in developing nations, and various organizations…
This report focuses on the business model established between previously self-published author Bruce MacDonald and publisher Vici Johnstone of Caitlin Press, for the creation of Salmonbellies vs. The…
According to studies carried out by the World Bank/UNDP Integrated Resource Recovery Project, highly developed informal sector networks of refuse scavenging (resource recovery) already exist in…
This paper demonstrates how an U.S. application of CIMS, a technologically explicit and behaviourally realistic energy-economy simulation model which includes macro- economic feedbacks, can be used…
In recent years, the popularity of cultural planning in Canada has soared. Proponents emphasize that cultural planning strategies lead to a variety of economic, social and cultural benefits and…
Individuals and business people around the world are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment, and Canadian magazine publishers are no exception. In order to help publishers “green…