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Typically studies of the effects of aging on cognitive-motor performance emphasize changes in elderly populations. Although some research is directly concerned with when age-related decline actually…
In rodents, daily feeding schedules induce food anticipatory activity (FAA) rhythms with formal properties suggesting mediation by food-entrained circadian oscillators (FEOs). The search for the…
The Strabo technique is a forecasting and planning strategy whose methodology emphasizes the determination of a concensus of opinion from a group of experts. It is a logical extension of the Delphi…
This discussion paper is a review of drainage basin morphometry and river network analysis. It is essentially an assemblage of techniques which have become both an important part of geomorphology ahd…
This paper attempts to define the state of the art in the field of channel dynamics, to identify critical problem areas, and to suggest the directions of future research. Although the manner in which…
This paper is the second of a four-part review and discussion of the basic principles and theories of river behaviour. This discussion paper is a relatively comprehensive review of drainage basin…
Discussion of the geoclimatic control of run-off from Chilliwack Mountain, the soil climate of Matsqui Prairie, and an analysis of synergism for modeling internal soil drainage.
It is often claimed in the geographical literature that the concentric zone, sector and multiple nuclei models of urban structure, as developed in the United States, have cross-cultural applicability…
A simple computational procedure for calculating the water balance in the Fraser River basin in British Columbia is presented. The computational model uses readily available meteorological records…
Author: Chura, N. G.
This essay aims to inspire empirical research on the state and management of knowledge for planning community-based ecotourism (CBE). It contextualizes a problem observed in the World Wide Fund for…
This essay argues that geographers should contribute more to futures research. The identification of consensi shared by people on desirable alternatives for change is shown to be a promising field of…
Author: Hayter, Foger, Author: Storey, Keith
The formation in 1969 of the Department of Regional Economic Expansion (DREE) was widely welcomed in Atlantic Canada; this federal initiative represented the intent to provide a more coordinated and…
Author: Barker, M. L., Author: Hepworth, A.J., Author: Newton, T.J., Author: Maciej, H., Author: Macgregor, E.R., Author: MacNabb, G.M.
During the Fall Semester, 1977 the Department of Geography and ContinuingStudies, Simon Fraser University presented a public lecture series, 'EnergyIssues in Canada.' The series was…
On April 29 1982 George McRobie visited Simon Fraser University to deliver a lecture on his favourite topic - "appropriate" technology. To give special point to that occasion and underline…
This paper examines recent developments in caste relations in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, in the context of economic and political change in India's most highly urbanised major state.…
This report will examine New Society Publishers’ email marketing tactics. It will begin with an overview of the company’s history, and then explore the current state of the company and the online…