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1. Experimental glucocorticoid (GC) manipulations can be useful for identifying the mechanisms that drive life history and fitness variation in free-living animals, but predicting the effects of GC…
Climate change impacts are already causing environmental, social, health, and economic problems for Canadian communities, and these are projected to increase. There is widespread recognition that we…
Author: Henstra, Dan, Author: McBean, Gordon
Extreme weather events like the 2006 B.C. windstorms periodically illustrate the susceptibility of Canadian communities to climate-related stress. All regions of Canada experience extreme weather…
Low carbon resilience (LCR) refers to climate change strategies that integrate and achieve co-benefits between greenhouse gas emissions reduction (mitigation) and planning designed to reduce…
Author: Henstra, Dan, Author: McBean, Gordon
Extreme weather events such as severe thunderstorms, ice storms, blizzards, windstorms, tornadoes and hail are part of life in Canada, but these hazards are becoming increasingly frequent and intense…
The values presented in this report apply to the Columbia River Basin (CRB) in the US as a whole. While further work will be needed to estimate the values directly associated with the Columbia River…
This report seeks to encourage dialogue about three major challenges that must be addressed if we are to pass on a sustainable world to our children:The ENERGY challenge – our heavy reliance on oil…
Author: Berry, Julia, Author: Danielson, Lisa
As is the case in many other countries in the Western hemisphere, local governments in Canada have a significant role to play in minimizing the impacts of climate change on their population, economy…
Open access is a principle that has been widely embraced by various academic stakeholders, although how to implement sustainable models of open access remains an important question. This report…
Traditional analyses of financial statecraft typically assume the term refers to major powers exercising influence over weaker states by such means as foreign aid blandishments or banking system…
Author: He, Zelong, Author: Niu, Jijun
This paper examines how economic policy uncertainty (EPU) affects bank valuations. Using a large sample of banks over a long period, we find that EPU has a negative effect on bank valuations. One…
Author: O'Riordan, Jon, Contributor: Kimmel, Eric
British Columbia is one of the most biologically diverse places on earth, a veritable “biodiversity ark” – a refuge for thousands of species, from Canada’s largest population of large carnivores to…
Author: O'Riordan, Jon, Author: Karlsen, Erik, Author: Sandford, Bob, Author: Newman, Lenore
The Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT) reviewed Canada’s and other countries’ leading climate change adaptation and extreme weather risk reduction practices and proposes a transformative, nested…
These extended essays introduce the topoi, a conceptual framework that structures, mediates, and organizes our experience of the world. To develop my argument I describe the topoisitic perspective, a…
Traditionally, head fixation devices and recording cylinders have been implanted in nonhuman primates (NHP) using dental acrylic despite several shortcomings associated with acrylic. The use of more…
Professionals within key practice areas responding to climate change through new approaches have the collective potential to achieve widespread transformation and improve climate resilience…
This report, which forms the background to the various ACT “Climate Change Adaptation and the Low Carbon Economy in BC” reports, seeks to encourage dialogue about three major challenges that must be…
Author: Kimmel, Eric
This report synthesizes information compiled from input contributed by ACT’s Communities in Jeopardy: Plant, Animal and Human conference participants in April 2008, along with a review of…
This study investigates community-university partnership by examining the relationship SFU has with its local community of Vancouver and the impacts the institution has on the city in which it sits…
While the effect of large-scale climate patterns (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation) on winter temperature and precipitation in Western Canada is relatively well understood, little is known…