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Author: Ciampi, David, Author: Costales, John-Paul, Author: Ling, Calvin, Author: Ngun, Raymond, Author: Tom, Marvin, Author: Fawg Technologies
Electronic Mail has become a worldwide standard for daily communications between people from different walks of life. Electronic Mail is essentially free and an individual can be left a message or…
Author: Coppin, Rhiannon, Author: Hennessey, Eric, Author: Hu, Samuel, Author: Keung, Eric, Author: Design Outlaws
Design Outlaws is a company aiming to engineer a better mode of transportation: the Ranger. The Ranger will be an electrically powered bicycle with programmable speed control and an ease-of-use that…
Author: Chan, Ian, Author: Lau, Gary, Author: Haberger, Erik, Author: Kilic, Aydin, Author: DC Integration Innovations
The DC-1i system unifies wiring configurations involving many wires, as is common in such intricate electrical systems as those for automobiles. This is accomplished through the implementation of…
Author: Kan, Jimmy, Author: Tam, Lawrence, Author: Fung, Richard, Author: Soong, Steven, Author: Crystal Technologies
Parking, the last phase of a peaceful drive, can also be one of the most frustrating parts of driving. When one enters a parking lot, the goal is to find a space in which one can place their car…
Author: Chan, Mavis, Author: Fraser, Brian, Author: Gakhal, Manpreet, Author: Lake, Ben, Author: Sheung, Gabrielle, Author: Bandwith Unlimited
In recent years, Mp3 compression technology has revolutionized the way we transfer and listen to music. File sharing programs such as Napster and WinMX have enabled people to build libraries of…
We are proposing a system of eight independent wireless EMG sensors (iEMGs) that attach to the skin with a small adhesive pad. Each sensor independently transmits the muscle activity data in real…
Author: Tsang, See-Ho, Author: Wai, Bob, Author: Jung, Cory, Author: Yu, Jason, Author: Hu, James, Author: Poon, David, Author: VitalStatis Medical Solutions
As the Canadian population ages, the state of health care is an increasingly significant issue. The Canadian government already spends billions of dollars on health care and, in 2000-2001, the…
Author: Giroux, Kevin, Author: Hall, Steven, Author: Liting, Leo, Author: McFarland, Mike, Author: Tyler, Troy, Author: Wong, Elaine, Author: Vindica Systems Inc.
Have you ever imagined being blind, even if only for a few days or even hours? For many people the world over, simple day-to-day tasks are made incredibly difficult, and many times impossible, by…
Author: Boostani, Nima, Author: Farzin, Azadeh, Author: Keyvani, Ali, Author: Morawej, Nasim, Author: SecuriTeam Co.
Recent studies show that up to one quarter of single car accidents are caused by drowsy drivers falling asleep behind the wheel. As an example, the Ontario Road Safety Annual Report for 1999 states…
Author: Au-Yeung, Vincent, Author: Brown, Matt, Author: Lau, Steve, Author: Lum, Roger, Author: Mehrpouyan, Hani, Author: Mitchell, Chris, Author: Secure Solutions
Secure Solutions is developing the Infiltrator, positioned as a stand-alone anti-theft device that will advance the combat of laptop theft. Our invention will consist of two microcontroller and…
Author: Laalo, Simon, Author: Jolivet, Jon, Author: Smecher, Graeme, Author: Smit, Bernard, Author: RamanFlex
Firemen and SCUBA divers are among many hobbyists and professionals who require compressed breathing gases. Compressing air sounds like a simple enough proposition: compressors have been refined for…
Author: Laalo, Simon, Author: Jolivet, Jon, Author: Smecher, Graeme, Author: Smit, Bernard, Author: RamanFlex
Firemen and SCUBA divers are among many hobbyists and professionals who require compressed breathing gases. Compressing air sounds like a simple enough proposition: compressors have been refined for…
Author: Dykes, James, Author: Leung, Victor , Author: Li, Lawrence, Author: Lo, Herman, Author: Ng, Bernard, Author: MicroTrak Inc.
In today's fast paced world, most of us suffer from information overload. As a result, we often forget where we place our belongings, such as wallets, lunch boxes, baggage, and jackets. To…
LittleFellows Inc. mission is to create a friendly and comforting atmosphere for babies and to assist their parents with ever increasing challenges of raising a child in today's busy working…
Author: Ting, Hans, Author: Chen, Harry, Author: Lee, Sae-Won, Author: Chiu, Susan, Author: Song, Victor, Author: Huang, Wayne, Author: InfraVision
Many computer operating systems come loaded with features to suspend the monitor after a certain time of inactivity. However, these features are usually disabled because computer users are frustrated…
Author: Dunfield, Alex, Author: Nelson, Mike, Author: Kenny, Cam, Author: Jackman, Shaun, Author: Knight, Colin, Author: Home Gizmos
People everywhere endure the chore of shopping. The SmartFridge is aimed to simplify the shopping process by allowing the user to effortlessly create shopping lists that they can either take to the…
Author: Cheng, Alex, Author: Liu, Jeff, Author: Liaw, Gary, Author: Lum, Roger, Author: Ng, Colin, Author: Wang, Jason I-chih, Author: Freedom Life Systems
Household electronics, such as television, have evolved to become easy to use. A large aspect of this evolution is the development of infrared (IR) remote controls. However, many are unable to enjoy…
Author: Ali, Farhan, Author: Chun, Chris, Author: Jahedi, Nima, Author: Kim, Daniel, Author: Liu, Tim, Author: Parandian, Galareh, Author: Sound Directions
The Dynamic Direction System is a guidance system for the visually impaired that provides vocal directions to nearby places of importance. Using our device, a visually impaired person will be able…
Author: Chuang, Alan, Author: Fong, Kenneth, Author: Lee, Warren, Author: Lin, Henry, Author: Loo, Edward, Author: Sheng, Richard, Author: Sonitrus Solutions
In today's changing world, technology is advancing at a rapid pace. As users demand more and more advanced programs, application software is moving into 3D space. At Sonitus Solutions, we see…
Author: Huxtable, Rob, Author: Warner, Tim, Author: Wu, Annie (Wan Chin), Author: Prest, Robin, Author: Sonar Works
Accurate sonar measurements depend on knowledge about how the transducer array converts acoustic waves into an electrical signal. A transducer's beam pattern describes its response with respect…