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Beauty: Deepening an understanding of contemporary art, art practice and theory

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Beauty has always seen with an air of veneration, however, the art world of late has adopted a particular disdain towards its complexities. Contemporary art, while ostensibly somewhat abstract, challenges viewers to think dialogically and engage in far ranging topics. Because art is an effective way to cognize our world, it seems vital to look to art for deeper understandings. Artists who embrace beauty as a vehicle for cognition are able to engage those particularly wary of the esoteric nature of contemporary art. Through examining history, philosophy and theory as well as art practice, we reach a deeper understanding of contemporary art. Research for this thesis probes the following questions: What does a contemporary understanding of beauty entail? Can beauty provide us with a way to navigate contemporary art? And, if so, what does this mean for a postmodem society ridden with various ills - can beauty be an antidote?
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