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Mothers' Mediational Style and the Effects on Language Development in 3 to 5 Year-olds

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Mothers and their children aged 3 -5.5 (14 girls and 26 boys) were videotaped in two situations: a) mother reading with the child and b) child constructing a puzzle with the mother. Children's language development was assessed with the CELF, a norm referenced language test. Two scorers rated the videotapes for mediational and interactions and directive interactions. Using Feuerstein's Mediated Learning Experience criteria (MLE) mediational interactions were coded: Regulation of Behavior, Shared Participation, Mediation of Competence, Meaning and Purpose, or Transcendence. Child challenge seeking, Child self talk, and mother's lntrusiveness were also rated. Major findings include: (a) child Language development was positively correlated with mothers' mediational interactions and negatively correlated with mothers' directive interactions; (b) Mothers' education was positively correlated with child language development and with mediational interactions; (c) Intrusiveness of mothers was negatively correlated with child language development; and (d) child challenge seeking and self talk were positively correlated with child language development.
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