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In search of intuitive knowledge: A comparison of eastern and western epistemology

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(Thesis) Ph.D.
Date created
In this thesis, I discuss the basic postulates of Indian schools of epistemology with the inherent purpose of highlighting certain axiological contributions for the benefit of the Indo-Canadian community in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. It is my sincere belief that an examination of their Indian historical roots will incline them to look back at their sacred past and favor a healthy lifestyle. So far there has never been a discussion of the interpretative, evaluative and academic implications of Indian philosophy in the community setting for obvious reasons, enamored as we have been of everything Western. In examining the ability to know and to conceive reality, values are also discussed to clarify their role in our notions of intuition. Important Western as well as influential Eastern philosophical works by Descartes, Locke, and Rad hakrishnan, will be analyzed. The distinction that sets Indian epistemology apart, suffice to say, is its comprehensiveness which embraces many tenants such as spirituality and self-realization, all which are intrinsically linked and inseparable. It is due to the important nature of their relevance to any community facing the ills of the modern day that this thesis introduces intuitive knowledge and considers an integration of epistemology and axiology as a possible solution. As the demand for knowledge solutions becomes greater every day, the question of its philosophical synthesis gains more currency in terms of how best to live our life.
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