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Philosophy as Pedagogy

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Moran, Armelle
"Philosophy as pedagogy" is a distinct approach to teaching and learning that is based on the original meaning of philosophy as a thoughtful life practice. In this thesis, I argue that limiting philosophy to an intellectual activity is a sophistic legacy, which has permeated all levels of education. I then discuss the need to practice philosophy as a means to deliberatively think and act. I subsequently present motherhood as an example of a philosophical practice based on dialogic relationships between mother and child. Next, I connect this understanding of philosophy to teaching and learning, and propose to practice philosophy with students in "in-the-moment-dialogues." This approach recognizes that children are natural philosophers who ask critical questions about human existence. It also validates young people's need for philosophical inquiry, by opening a space for students to think together about their questions, leading them toward selftransformations, the goal of philosophy as pedagogy.
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