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JeL - PC application

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JeL PC application for PC and Steam VR. Requires BioPlux or Arduino device and PZT breath sensors for interaction.
Download file Size 68.26 MB
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author.
Scholarly level
Contact, ORCID: 0000-0001-9354-4434
Ethics approval
None required
Supplemental information
Install Instructions

-Download and unzip folder.

*To use BioPlux*
-Install OpenSignals (
-Connect BioPlux via Bluetooth.
-Launch OpenSignals.
-Set Channels 1 and 2 to RESP(PZT).
-Make Sure device is ""Enabled.""
-Under Settings>Integration activate ""LabStreamingLayer"".
-Press the ""record"" button to start data aquisition.

*To use Arduino*
-Unzip PztBreathSensing, open with Arduino IDE and install onto Arduino.
-Connect two breathing sensors or other devices to control the movement of the Jellyfish through appropriate anaolog ports.
-See source code for more detail.

*To use VR*
-Start Steam VR for VR view. Works with any Steam VR compatible headset (including Oculus). Also works as a 2D-only experience.

*Running the application*
-Start the JeL application.
-Press spacebar to start.
-Press enter to stop manually or before fitting sensor to another person.
-Data aquisition will automatically stop once coral is grown. Press spacebar to grow another coral.
-Press 1 and 2 on the keyboard to switch inputs 1 and 2 between Arduino Serial over USB and BioPlux/OpenSignals/LSL.

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