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Nearly orthogonal arrays of strength three

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Thesis type
(Project) M.Sc.
Date created
The main effects of a factorial experiment can be estimated with minimum variance and zero bias using orthogonal arrays (OAs) of strength three. However, such arrays require the run size to be a multiple of eight. When the run size is not a multiple of eight, OAs of strength three do not exist. In the presence of non-negligible two-factor interactions, OAs of strength two with minimum G2-aberration are available as variance-optimal designs that have the minimum bias among non-isomorphic OAs of strength two. Such designs only require the run size to be a multiple of four. Best fold-over designs have zero bias and provide the minimum variance among all fold-over designs. We examine the use of nearly orthogonal arrays of strength three for estimating main effects in the presence of nonnegligible two-factor interactions. This provides an approach that is capable of balancing the consideration of variance and bias. Our method is compared with the two existing classes of designs.
38 pages.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author(s).
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Tang, Boxin
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