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Assessing learning activities based on the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy

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This report describes the information literacy units the research team developed for Diana Cukierman’s CMPT 320 and CMPT 115 students in 2019 and 2021, respectively. Cukierman and Hendrigan, the PI, have been working on information literacy instruction and assessment based on the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy since 2017 (Hendrigan, Mukunda, and Cukierman, 2020). The report is organised as follows: We begin with background information on the ACRL Framework, the two Frames we focused on, and the knowledge practices and dispositions that we were looking for in students. We then describe and analyse the 2019 assignment, and answer the research questions we asked in the TLDG proposal. We then describe why we substantially changed the unit in 2021 based on what we learned from the 2019 assignment. In 2021, we incorporated Mike Caulfield's SIFT evaluation method and Lane Wilkinson's Information Needs, Types, and Qualities assignments. We feel that the 2021 unit comes closer to guiding students to learn hi her level information literacy concepts which will serve them well during the rest of their studies at SFU and post graduation.
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