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How Sociable is Life in Multi-Unit Rental Housing? Results of 2021-22 Hey Neighbour Collective Resident Survey

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Author: Emami, Sara
Author: Lee, Robyn
Author: Holden, Meg
This report synthesizes and compares survey research findings from two years of surveys with residents of two HNC housing partners, Catalyst Community Developments Society and Brightside Community Homes Foundation. The surveys were distributed to 1053 households in 2021, and 308 were received back; in 2022, 1302 households received surveys, and 417 were returned. This analysis of resident surveys strenghtens our understanding of resident characteristics and social relationships during these years of crisis.
The goal of the survey research is to establish a reliable baseline understanding of key characteristics of residents for consideration in efforts to improve social quality of life. In this report, we examine the social quality of life among these residents of multi-unit apartment buildings and identify factors that motivate social connection and neighbourliness. The report analyzes the data gathered in six domains: key characteristics of respondents, social isolation and neighbourly connections, general health and wellness, impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and housing provider communication and satisfaction.
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HNC-Final_2021_2022_Comparative_Report.pdf 1.35 MB

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