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Potent recreation: The relationship between teacher flourishing and imaginative education

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
This research is part of a collaborative effort pursued by faculty and graduate students at Simon Fraser University. The project name, LUCID, is an acronym representing the overall research goal: Learning for Understanding through Culturally Inclusive Imaginative Development: A community-university research alliance to build culturally inclusive schools through imaginative education. The purpose of this research is to address teachers' efforts to implement Imaginative Education approach. Of special concern is how their perceptions flourishing' are implicated in these efforts. Collaborating teachers work in elementary schools with high populations of' First Nations (Aboriginal) heritage. This research shares with the LUCID project an action research approach also explores cooperative inquiry and portraiture methodologies. By critically witnessing their own daily struggles to affect: change in schools and sharing those efforts with others, the participants contribute to the understandings of teacher flourishing and its relationships with Imaginative Education.
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