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Customer responses to dual mode personal rapid transit

Resource type
Thesis type
(Research Project) M.B.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Jongkind, Yonas
Since the 1960s the personal rapid transit lield (PIU) has been building momentum as an exciting alternative to both the automobile and the bus. Work within the PRT field has been p:rimarily engineering or scientific in nature. Little work has been done using the tools of marketing to validate customer expectations or desires around personal rapid transit. This study focuses on dual mode PRT systems, which means vehicles that can switch from the PRT network to the normal road network at odoff ramps. Hypothetical dual mode PRT systems based on current knowledge are drxeloped ,and conjoint analysis used to measure customer responses to the variable attributes of the potential systems. The attributes studied are the type of vehicle (electric, ultra-compact smart car and compact car), the price per month for access to the network and the distance from an on-ramp. The results suggest that dual-mode PRT is acceptable to customers and could be implemented using a toll road business mode:. given a corridor of suitable density as show in chapter 5.3.1.
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