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Tales of empowerment: Cultural continuity within an evolving identity in the Upper Athabasca Valley

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
A holistic examination of Metis society, culture, and identity that extends from the contact period in North America to the present day is missing in available literature. Questions relating to identity remain a vexing c:ondition of Metis culture. Resulting from this framework for identity are communities which exist outside contemporary definitions of Metis. A broad outline defining Metis as descendents of European and Amerindian families who wish to remain free of colonial control is more inclusive. The use of historical phenomenon as a description of Metis allows modern groups such as those whose territory exists in and around Jasper National Park, to retain an existence that expands contemporary definitions. The possible heritage opportunities at Jasper National Park may offer a beginning point of Metis control over their own history arid analysis through Internalist Archaeology. The 'inevitable' conclusion may be that Metis is both a process and a classification of peoples.
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