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Masquerade detection: A topic model based approach

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The goal of masquerade detection is to "detect" when an intruder has infiltrated a computer system by looking for evidence of malicious behaviour. In this project, I use a topic model based intrusion detection system to search for intruders within the SEA and Greenberg datasets of Unix computer commands. Using LDA topic modeling I was able to find a probability distribution for each user for both the topics over a block of commands and over each command. Using these two probability distributions and building on previous detection techniques I was able to create five different detection techniques. I describe how I created the five LDA based models and combine them to find a sixth model. All of these techniques performed on par with their non-LDA counter-parts. Therefore, combined with the reduction in dimensionality afforded by the LDA topic model, I conclude that my methods perform better than the current models.
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