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What's the harm? Examining the stereotyping of Indigenous Peoples in health systems

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Thesis type
(Thesis) Ed.D.
Date created
This research study examined how stereotyping of Indigenous Peoples impacts health service provider attitudes, actions and services to Indigenous Peoples. This was done by assessing incidents posted by health service provider participants in the BC Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) program. The data were coded and analyzed for the frequency of specific stereotypes, attitudes, type of harm, and sites of harm. Anonymous demographic identifiers selected by health service providers were also analyzed as secondary data to provide information regarding the standpoint and perspective of participants observing the harms in health services. These data provide a better understanding of stereotype harm and Indigenous-specific racism in Health Systems on both an organizational and individual level. This study may also assist system design and service delivery to become safer for Indigenous Peoples and to address unparalleled inequities between Settler Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. The intent was to assist Settler service providers to understand how unexamined stereotypes can seriously harm Indigenous Peoples. I conducted qualitative research followed up with quantifying the results. This method of study of the incidents provided by participants produced data to examine and better understand the frequency, impact, and context of Indigenous-specific stereotyping incidents.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author.
This thesis may be printed or downloaded for non-commercial research and scholarly purposes.
Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Kaufman, David
Member of collection
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