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"¿Cosas de Mujeres?" Feminist Networks of Collaboration in 1970s Mexico

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As second wave feminisms emerged throughout the world, diverse collectives and consciousness-raising groups were established in Mexico City as early as 1971. These activities gave rise to various networks of female artists who explored and politicized conceptions of the female body, making inroads in photography, performance, film and conceptual art. In this paper, I discuss the network established by Ana Victoria Jiménez, Rosa Martha Fernández and Mónica Mayer, who produced collaborative films and performances. Using gender as category of analysis, I discuss how their practices destabilized the patriarchal structures that governed art institutions in the city and defined parameters of art- making while simultaneously disrupting hegemonic visual conventions.
Published as
Aceves Sepúlveda, G. (2013) "¿Cosas de Mujeres? : Film, Performance and Feminist Networks of Collaboration in 1970s Mexico." In Artelogie Recherches sur les arts, le patrimoine et la littérature de l'Amérique latine 5: Art et genre: femmes créatrices en Amérique Latine.
Publication title
Artelogie Recherches sur les arts, le patrimoine et la littérature de l'Amérique latine 5: Art et genre: femmes créatrices en Amérique Latine
Document title
"¿Cosas de Mujeres?" Feminist Networks of Collaboration in 1970s Mexico
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