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Modular content: a new publishing strategy at the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia

Date created
Author (aut): Ciuca, Aniela Florina
This report is a case study of a new publishing model entitled structured modular content,adopted by the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia in order to upgrade theiroutdated production system that did not allow for easy reuse of content. In order to implementthis new publishing concept, the Society initiated a project entitled Content Strategy, with theobjective to publish material in independent modules that can be easily recycled. Through thisproject, the Society had to convert all of their content to XML DITA, an open standardfor structuring, developing, managing, and publishing content, with the help of DITA CMS, acomponent management system. This report studies what structured modular content is and howit works, the challenges that the Society encountered while converting their content and how theyovercame them and the new possibilities that structured modular content provides: new products.
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