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Amateur Ice Hockey Coaching and the Role of Video Feedback

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.Sc.
Date created
Amateur minor hockey coaches have recently begun to capture and play back video recordings as a teaching tool, but it is not clear is whether such video feedback is useful or how video feedback systems could be designed to suit coaches’ and players’ needs. I wanted to understand coaches’ current practices for communicating and teaching and their current use of video. I observed games and practices and conducted in situ interviews with amateur coaches. I found that teaching and learning at competitive levels of minor hockey focuses on decision-making and comprehension rather than individual physical movement. One-on-one teaching happens opportunistically and in brief moments throughout games and practices. However, video feedback is currently used mostly away from the ice because of technological limitations. Based on these findings, I suggest video feedback systems be designed for use within the context of games and practices while balancing players’ needs with coaches’ goals
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Copyright is held by the author.
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Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Neustaedter, Carman
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