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Faculty Members' Perceived Experiences and Impact of Cyberbullying from Students at a Canadian University: A Mixed Methods Study

Resource type
Thesis type
(Dissertation) Ed.D.
Date created
This mixed methods study was conducted at a Canadian University in 2012, using an online survey and individual interviews to explore faculty members’ perceived experiences of having aggressive, intimidating, defaming, or threatening message(s) sent to them or about them by students via electronic media. Limited empirical research on this issue within the context of higher education led the researcher to draw from literature on workplace bullying, academic bullying, and K-12 sector cyberbullying, of which theoretical frameworks have included student development, power, aggression, and group theories. This study explored cyberbullying through the theoretical lenses of power, disinhibition, and victimization. Consistent with previous bullying and cyberbullying research, this study found that faculty members who had encountered at least one significant cyberbullying incident (it had a negative effect on them) experienced detrimental physical, emotional, relational, and professional effects. Demographic data such as age, rank, and gender are discussed, in addition to the duration of effects, support measures sought, and support measures recommended by cyberbullied faculty members. Study findings not only serve to inform the workplace and cyberbullying literature of this phenomenon, but provide a foundation for the development of institutional policy and education programs in the prevention and management of cyberbullying.
Copyright statement
Copyright is held by the author.
The author granted permission for the file to be printed and for the text to be copied and pasted.
Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Nilson, Michelle
Member of collection
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