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Intelligent Hap Solutions Inc. Business Plan: Haptic Technology for Educational Applications

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Haptic technology has been utilized since 1952 in various industries. This technology is based on providing feedback, mainly force feedback, to users performing various tasks. For instance, in the video gaming industry, where haptic technology has been utilized widely, a player can feel the reaction of his actions when playing the game. They can feel how hard it is to kick a soccer ball or turn a racing car. This business plan, developed for Intelligent Hap Solutions Inc., a start-up company, investigates the application of haptic technology in the education industry. A product, HapChem is proposed, which will enable chemistry students, both in high school and university, to build compounds and form reactions using a robotic arm with haptic technology. Using HapChem, students can feel the weight, and other properties of compounds as well as the reaction characteristics. The business will require initial private capital investment from both the founders and from angel investors. The venture is projected to break-even with 4 years and produce a stage appropriate risk-adjusted return on investment for its investors.
MOT MBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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