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The effects of timber harvesting and windthrow on landslide initiation, Southwestern Vancouver Island

Resource type
Thesis type
(Thesis) M.Sc.
Date created
A severe storm in November 2006 caused over 200 landslides on southwestern Vancouver Island. This thesis investigates 48 field truthed landslides and 233 GIS mapped landslides in unlogged and logged terrain. The impact of windthrow, clearcutting, soil properties and root reinforcement on landslide initiation were analysed within eight months after the storm event. The windthrow landslide density was 25 and 123 times the clearcut and natural landslide densities, respectively. Windthrow related landslides were concentrated on south to east aspects, near clearcut boundaries and recent clearcuts (
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Copyright is held by the author.
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Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Ward, Brent
Member of collection
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etd7001_JMcDonald.pdf 10.19 MB

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