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Collaborer pour s'ouvrir aux autres: L'éveil aux langues dans une classe d'immersion française

Resource type
Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
In this research, the teacher-researcher adopts a case-study methodology to examine the implementation of language awareness activities in her grade 516 French Immersion class in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia. The goal of these activities is to help students become aware of linguistic and cultural diversity around them. This study evaluates their relevance with regards to the multicultural objectives of the curriculum in the Canadian context. Data collection includes semi-structured interviews with groups of students, a questionnaire distributed to all students, field notes, video recordings of classroom interactions and the collection of relevant documents. Based on sociocultural theories of learning applied to education and the construct of linguistic representation developed in sociolinguistics, this research analyzes the collaborative interactions between students, as well as with the teacher, and the co-construction of knowledge and linguistic representations.
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