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SLOPE - A metaphor-based strategy formation tool

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.
Date created
Author (aut): Moody, Shona
In this era of technological advances and globalization, strategy formation tools such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) have been frequently criticized as inadequate. Following a review of ten different schools of thought on strategy formation, this thesis introduces a new strategy formation tool -SLOPE (Strengths, Limitations, Obstacles and Potential Excellence) - and describes its application in a test pilot and three case studies. SLOPE uses a metaphor and story elements based on the myth of Sisyphus to help participants assess their Strengths, Limitations, and Obstacles as they strive towards their vision (Potential Excellence). The study provides evidence that metaphor and story elements, which have seldom been integrated in such instruments to date, can significantly enhance the process of strategy formation. A SLOPE analysis of SLOPE itself is used to identify promising avenues for future research and organizational practice.
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