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Distributed intelligence systems for device integration and control

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A.Sc.
Date created
Over the last quarter of a century, society has moved towards an immersion into digital technology. Despite the sophistication of current technology, integration and interoperability between digital and even non-digital devices and equipment is not only an existing problem, but a growing one. The root cause is the conventional paradigm using highly centralised platforms for integration and operability. This thesis proposes an alternate approach, based on Distributed Intelligence Systems employing a peer-to-peer architecture. It aims to show that it is a viable alternative that enables entities to collaborate, co-ordinate and co-operate in an intelligent manner to achieve user-defined global and local system objectives. Building upon prior efforts to develop hardware and software for a real-world Distributed Intelligence System, this thesis integrates and modifies those components to form a complete system architecture, for the purpose of device control, and applying it to a practical scenario of a simple security system.
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