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Social editing: the effects of online and social media marketing on the editorial process

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Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
The transition from print to digital technology in the publishing industry has affected not only how books are read and sold, but how they are edited and marketed as well. Small and large publishers recognize the need to interact with readers online, evidenced by the adoption of online marketing tools, specifically social media applications. To make the best use of online and social media, publishers must understand how interactions between readers, authors, and publishers—and the tools that facilitate those interactions—change their workflows and processes. This report examines the editing and marketing of Charles Demers’ Vancouver Special, published by Arsenal Pulp Press in November 2009. It describes Vancouver Special’s development and place in Arsenal’s list, analyzes the editorial and marketing processes in comparison to Arsenal’s traditional workflow, and recommends strategies for editors, who will need to be increasingly active in the online marketing of titles they edit.
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