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Author: Tl'aḵwasik̓a̱n, Khelsilem, Author: Flett, Julie, Author: Reimer, Andrea, Author: George, Charlene, Author: Johal, Am
Date created: 2019-04-26
The core purpose of EMMA Talks is to bring important stories by women identified* writers, activists, thinkers, storytellers, makers and doers, from the periphery to the public. Together their stories will build a powerful and engaging collection of talks, celebrating and building on the conversations, imaginings, and hard work of so many individuals, communities and movements, which will lead to a creative cross-pollination of ideas. *including two spirited, trans* and gender non-conforming folks
Author: SFU's Vancity Office of Community Engagement, Author: Flett, Julie, Author: EMMA Talks
Date created: 2015-11-04