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Recording of talk by PhD Candidate at the School of Communication at SFU Itrath Syed whose research involves an analysis of the ideological history of Islamophobia in Canada.Itrath Syed is a PhD Candidate at the School of Communication at SFU where her research involves an analysis of the ideological history of Islamophobia in Canada. Her MA in Gender Studies (UBC) explored the gendered and racialized construction of the Muslim community in the media discourse surrounding the Islamic Arbitration or “Shariah” debate in Ontario. She is an Instructor at the School of Communication at SFU, in Women’s Studies at Langara College, and in Asian Studies at Kwantlen University. Itrath has a history of activism against war and occupation, and against the racial profiling of the Muslim, Arab and South Asian communities in Canada.
Author: Syed, Itrath, Author: Jaffer, Samaah
Date created: 2017-11-14