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Portrayals of restorative justice in British Columbia newsprint media are subjected to a descriptive content analysis. Fundamental aspects of the restorative justice perspective, and its many…
PBL has been widely adopted by medical schools for years. However, implementing PBL curricula in online environments pose specific challenges to educators. Although existing technologies can…
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) have been rapidly deployed to hospitals around the world over the past five years. Although these systems significantly improve the efficiency of…
Acapha®, an herbal product used for treating esophageal cancer in China, is undergoing clinical trials as a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer at the B.C. Cancer Agency (BCCA). Little is known of…
Given that maintenance of skeletal muscle mass is essential for overall health, functionality and quality of life, it is critical to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms underlying the maintenance of…
The goal of this project is to use statistical methods to identify players and combinations of players which affect a basketball team's performance. The traditional statistics which are recorded…
People living with mental illness are underemployed in Canada. This study addresses how disability assistance in British Columbia is contributing to the financial and social empowerment of these…
The Brownie tag-recapture model analyses multi-year tag recovery data to derive estimates of natural and fishing mortality that can be used to estimate population abundance. However, it makes several…
This study is centred on four tales from Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: the Wife of Bath’s Tale, the Clerk’s Tale, the Merchant’s Tale, and the Franklin’s Tale. The impetus of this study is the…
Within less than a decade of its founding in 1540, the Society of Jesus sent missionaries to evangelize in the Americas. For Jesuits in the New World, cultivating soils and souls were integrated…
The town of Squamish has identified rock climbing as a major component of its strategy for outdoor-recreation based tourism development. Despite its reputation as a leading rock-climbing destination…
Many digital collections share a common structure in which a collection, the objects collected and the meaning of the collection can be separately considered. We present a data structure comprising…
This thesis examines whether Canadian investors can still benefit from international diversification in the period from January 1996 to September 2006, using monthly nominal and real returns for…
This thesis considers circular flow-type and circular chromatic-type parameters ($\phi$ and $\chi$, respectively) for matroids. In particular we focus on orientable matroids and sixth root of unity…
Contemporary warfare has brought about significant challenges to well established, state-centered war-ending mechanisms. While academics and practitioners recognize reconciliation as a groundbreaking…
Nonregular factorial designs can be used to conduct screening experiments involving many factors and their interactions, using a small number of runs. Linear model selection is challenging in this…
Following recent high profile corporate crimes, the issue of business ethics has re-emerged as a concern within society. The questioning of ethical attitudes within business naturally leads to an…
In 2002, the BC government enacted the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. Section 12 of the act brings all assisted living and residential care facilities under one licensing regime. This brings…
The purpose of this study was to understand the educational experiences, needs, and technological profile family physicians and nurses in British Columbia. A survey was completed by family physicians…
The literature of emancipatory education frequently invokes dialogic co-operation. In this theorized pedagogy, personal narratives are often regarded as a “natural” tool for linking education with…