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Design of a wide range high Q varactor using MEMS technology

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Thesis type
(Project) M.Eng.
Date created
Abstract Recently, the application of MEMS technology in RF and microwave circuits has attracted significant attention. The capabilities of MEMS technology in achieving unprecedented levels of performance make it appealing for RF applications. RF MEMS components could substantially reduce size, weight, power consumption and component counts. There have been numerous efforts to make a variable capacitor for RF applications. However, each design has focused on a particular aspect of performance, at the expense of the rest. In this thesis, a wide range high Q variable capacitor is designed, by means of the MEMS fabrication techniques, for use in RF applications. The inherent limitations of capacitor’s tuning range are overcome by designing a suspended structure using the PolyMUMps process. The characteristics of the designed capacitor are simulated and compared against a typical RF capacitor to evaluate its performance. The designed capacitor proves to be an excellent replacement for current RF capacitors.
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